Tuesday, March 11, 2008

3/11/2008 Michigan Daily Lotto

Daily-4 6616

Daily-3 738

New Restraunts Have You Order Food Into A Computer

New technology pushes wait staff out the door. Computers are the new trend at restraunts around the country as touch screen ordering has patrons enter their order into a computer at the table. Customers like the inventive and new feeling. National Restraunt Assosciation says that wait staff will not totally disappear, but this is an opportunity for restraunts to differ from their competition. Touch screen technology was originally tested at McDonalds.

Muskegon Summer Celebration

Muskegon Summer Celebration - Steve Miller/Joe Cocker....Sammy Hagar...... Should be a good show. Nearby Rothbury show is in direct competition with the Muskegon Show. Stay tuned!

3/11/2008 Weather

Weather...a sunny breezy day makes way for snowshowers in parts of Michigan. Across the Grand Rapids area temperatures got up to 40 today. Through tonight the clouds should clear out and the temperatures should drop. March is supposed to be a less cloudy month than February was. The next weather system is due here by tomorrow and it should be getting partly cloudy with a chance of some snow showers in selected areas. Temperatures through the end of the week should average around 40. Next best chance of snow is after St. Patrick's Day.

Mr. Bill Hit By Runaway Boulder

Mr. Bill hit by runaway boulder. While watching Sluggo make bread, Mr. Bill is unwittingly struck by a runaway boulder. The boulder smashes both Bill and the bread flat. This makes way for the best idea to hit Subway since Jarrod bought new pants....YAY Flatbread!

VanHalen cancels VanAndel Show

VanHalen's Road Tour encounters a Road Block. Concert for April 5th at the Van Andel has been cancelled. Rumor has it that Glamer David Lee Roth is back in Rehab.

Space Shuttle Has Flawless Take-Off

Space Shuttle Endeavor docks with International Space Station after a picture pefect take off. The crew is scheduled to make several space walks to continue working on the space station. The space station is scheduled to be complete in 2010.

Old Arson Called Domestic Terrorism

Domestic Terrorism case brought back to light. A fire started in Agriculture Hall at the State Of Michigan University was brought to Grand Jury Indictment. All 4 suspects are charged with 4 counts from Arson to Theft and said they were acting on behalf of ELF - Earth Liberation Front.

Obama or Your Momma?

33 delagates up for grabs in Mississippi. Obama got 90% of Black vote in Mississippi.

Parking Garage Auto Theives In Court

Auto Theft Ring in court today, on to circuit court. Police found 2 stolen SUV's stolen from parking attendants.

Is Spitzer Trying to Copp A Deal (Feel?)

Governor Elliot Spitzer caught in prostitution scandal. Planning how to respond for the growing calls for his resignation. Amoungst those cries a man asks Spitzer not to resign, but Spitzer knows that if he does not resign voluntarily that papers for his impeachment will be drafted. Spitzer may be buying time at this point so that he can negotiate for immunuity from charges. Spitzer is accused of hiring a prosititue from a high-class prostitution ring. Micheal Bloomberg talked to Spitzer and wished him the best and offered his advice.

Kwame Kilpatrick Gives Public Address

Detroit Mayor Qwamy Kilpatrick gave his public address. Kilpatrick took time to state that local media is putting their ratings in front of public safety.

Celebration Cinema Shows Movie To New Drivers

Celebration Cinema shows a movie of 6 people all dealing with severe brain injuries from driving accidents. In the film, Kelly and Joanne show how important proper precautions are when driving. Another 18 year old was riding too close to the back of a semi truck when it suddenly stopped. This film is put on by the Road Saftey Foundation.

Police Interview Suspect In Road Rage Incident

Police are interviewing a suspect of road rage. Suspect is accused of slamming his car into a woman and pushing her into her car, breaking her pelvis.

Rising Michigan Gas Prices Are Highest In West Michigan

Rising Gas Prices are highest here in West Michigan. Statewide prices average $3.28 with the highest one's on Plainfield Ave, in Grand Rapids. Experts predict prices around $4.00 a gallon come summer.

Student Play Lottery To Go To School

Students Hope To Win Lottery To Go To School. GRPS New Prep Academy is the Place to be. 128 Seats available. 6th and 7th graders entered into a lottery for placement into a new kind of school. The Academy is a private partnership with Steelcase.

Quick Way Mart May Lose Liqour License

Pressure Get Turned On Local Party Store In Muskegon. Quick Way Mart is under scrutiny for selling alcohol to a minor that was in a deadly accident. On Dec 12th 3 teenagers were killed. Driver serves time in Jackson prison. Parents of Victims are seeking that stores liqour license gets revoked. "My son and his best friend purchased alcohol twice that evening", says victims Father. If charged with violating the law, Store could lose license.

And Now The Accuser Stands Accused

Accused of Campaign Violations, Now her accuser Stands Accused. Martin says his boss Arnie Smith Alexander was using a school computer for campaign work. Now after a sumamry of 162 pages most of the claims were unfounded. Sec of State says that Derek Martin, the person that brought this issue to light, was sending emails for campaign purposes. Martin has now resigned and seeks public office.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Twelve Angry Men at Devos Performance Theatre

welve Angry Men March 19-23 Devos Performance Hall - Stubhub has tickets $148/$177

Sabercats narrowly escape defeat by the Rampage

Arena football is back, and Rampage takes current champs right to the whistle. Sabercats socked hard but only won by 2 points. A couple of very questionable calls favored the Sabercats, and they stay the reigning champs. Rampage is home again on Friday to face Chicago.

Kalamazoo on TV today!

The Big Idea featutring Donny Deutch was today in Kalamazoo to get the opinions of residents as they look at new inventions featured on the show. Show airs on CNBC.

Montcalm Animal Shelter comes under microscope

Local Animal Shelter comes under scrutiny. State of mic now investigating Montcalm counties animal shelter. Claims of animal beatings have lead to further investigation. Residents claim 2 dogs scheduled for rescue were euthanised. Rhonda Waldorf thinks the animals were sold to a breeder.

Pope announces *NEW* Sins

If you aced the first 7 Deadly Sin's they just added more! Vatican says that people need to be Pollution, Genetic Experiments, Greed, Drug Abuse...The Late John Paul II had always addressed problems with these issues.

Michigan may get a re-vote!

Democratic National Revote for Michigan is still Up in the Air. Officials are swaying toward a mail-in vote. Granholm says this is not a done deal and it needs to be fair to both sides and that it is important that the people's voices get heard.

Elliot Spitzer (Ness) acknowledges dealings with prostitute

Government Elliot Spitzer (Elliot Ness they call him) - Acknowledging that he is connected to the prosititution ring. The Democrat was caught in a wiretap talking with a Prostitute service. The price $4300 for a prostitue. SpitZer announced on the air that he is guilty and disappointed with himself. He says he will be working to rebuild the trust that he has lost.

Health officials find drugs like steroids in water supply

41 Million Homes in 20 Metro Areas are effected by trace amounts of perscription and non-perscription Drugs. Ibuprofen, Steroids, Anti-Depressants, all of the above and others found when health officials checked. 2004-2006 Study says Grand Rapids is able to filter most of the contaminents but not all. Drugs are usually not entirely absorbed by the body, and pass through urination. Then they end up back into the blood-stream. Additional drugs are dumped straight down the drain. Anti-Biotics found in the water supply could possibly be hurting the effectiveness of Pro-Biotic Bacteria used to filter the water. Health officials are looking into the issue to make sure that this is not a serious health risk.

Blog Grand Rapids!

Hello everybody. I will be sharing important issues that effect the residents of West Michigan in this new blog.